When I got up this morning I really just worked on my blog and checked out my blog stats. I'm amazed that my blog is being viewed from so many different places! It's crazy! The countries just keep expanding! Russia, Germany, the US, Thailand, Brazil...and many more. I'm trying to figure out so many new things on my blog. They recently updated and changed many of the settings, so I'm trying to get used to it. The whole "blogger" thing is a lot more complicated then Facebook. GEEZE! It really is! So many options and settings! It's CRAZY! I now know how to put up ads! I'm so proud of myself! For every time someone "clicks" on the ad, I bring in money! It's awesome! My dream someday is to get paid for blogging! If Perez Hilton can do it! I CAN! I have been accomplishing so much lately! It really just amazes me! I have explored so much in Los Angeles, and I've been working like crazy on this blog! BLOGGING everyday! I can't leave you guys not knowing what I'm doing! (for the people in Wisconsin!) It's a lot of fun blogging(: I worked at 2:30. I got to work a little early, and found out it's "National Coffee day." So I had to get some Starbucks! I was also informed at work that I am on the schedule for training at the Starbucks in my Target! The week after my birthday I will be training in Starbucks! I'm the type of person that loves change! I NEED change! I need new adventures, and new jobs, tasks, anything new. I HATE doing the same thing all the time! I told my boss today at Target that I don't mind if they toss me around to any of the other positions in the store. One of my coworkers was nice enough to drive me home after work tonight....and I got home and found 3 packages in my room! I was so excited to open them! The first one I opened looked like a poster?.....It was actually a big picture that I ordered for tomorrow to get signed. The other 2 packages were from back home in Wisconsin (: My mom sent me all the things that I love, and some of my mail. She knows ALL the magazines I like...and she sent some Burt's Bee's! The ONLY chap stick I use!

Thanks for all the things you sent mom! Love you tons!
Have to get to bed, early morning tomorrow, traveling to Downtown LA. I'll be posting pictures tomorrow night! Check back tomorrow.