Sunday, March 31, 2013

The star of "The Lovely Bones!"

Have you guys seen the movie, "The Lovely Bones?" I remember seeing it while I was living in Wisconsin! I absolutley loved the movie! It was such a good movie, but for sure creeped me out and gave me goose bumps!! That movie was so intense! I would say that, that movie is in my top ten! Saoirse Ronan did such an amazing job in that movie! I loved it! She is also in the new movie "The Host." 

I went to the airport to meet Saoirse and boyyy was she friendly! As soon as I saw her I started yapping away like we were good friends! Hahaha. I went " Saoirse like a Inertia!!" She said yep, that's how you pronounce it! She was telling me how her dad was the one who would tell everyone that's how to pronounce her name. I told her how I loved the "Lovely Bones." And as soon she got to the baggage claim I asked her if she could sign some of my things that I had for her. She was more than happy to do it. Her dad was trying to stop her from doing it and saying "ONLY ONE!" She seemed embarassed from his behavior! She said dad, it's okay! Then i asked to take a picture with her, the dad said, "NO PICTURES!" She said, "It's okay for him!" I loved it, she really wanted to take the picture with me(: 

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