Hung out with my friend Megan in West Hollywood today. We just hung out, got something to eat at Veggie Grill and walked around at The Grove. Veggie Grill is one of my favorite places to eat! YUM! Everything there is Vegan! All of their burgers and sandwiches are made out of soy! I think they only have them in Southern California but I'm not positive?... We ran into many interesting people on the bus! The busses were PACKED!! We couldn't even move! UGH! This one guy randomly shouted, "I NEED SOME WEED RIGHT NOW!" You run into the most bizarre people here in LA! Some of these people are just CRAZY! At the Grove we walked around and went into a few stores. I bought a Vanity Fair magazine with Paris Hilton on the cover. We then saw these asian kids that were dressed up really CRAZY looking that were walking around the Grove. I don't know if this was some sort of costume thing or they dress like this everyday!? I'm pretty sure that they were visiting from China though.
Later in the day I took a picture with Maria Menounos from EXTRA. Maria is beyond nice, I seriously love her! She loves joking around, she's really outgoing and her favorite Kardashian is Kim!! Before we took the picture together, she had me check her teeth to make sure she didn't have pizza in them! Hahaha.
Later in the night I headed over to a theatre in Hollywood to see if I could get photos and autographs from some of the guests that were attending the performance. David Hasselhoff showed up and boy is he a GIANT!! I cut his head off in the photo that I took! This camera guy from Australia was interviewing him and asking like 10 MILLION questions! I still managed to get my autograph and photo though(: A few older actors showed up, a lot of them I didn't even know! Later that night I ran into Denis Leary from "Rescue Me." He was a pretty nice guy, his wife took the picture for me! He kind of forced her my camera and she took it! Hahaha.
Denis Leary (from Rescue Me) My mom is a fan of the show as soon as I saw him I had to get a picture with him. He looks much older in person than he does on TV. Don't ya think?
David Hasselhoff
Holy Cow Niko, awesome blog. No one has said anything about all the fun stuff you are doing out in CA!! Incredible........Robin Williams??? Kathy Griffin????? This is awesome, good for you for following a dream, I always thought your passion for photography would do you well! Take care. Miss seeing you at family stuff! Nicksmom