Friday, January 27, 2012

MJ Ceremony...missed it!

I was planning on going to the Michael Jackson ceremony this morning in Hollywood. MJ was having his gloves places in cement in front of the chinese theatre by his kids, Paris, Blanket & Prince. Justin Bieber was one of the speakers, he also sang one song. A few of the Jackson's showed up but not all of them. It was a much BIGGER deal then I thought it was going to be! I saw video from it and wow, TONS of people showed up! People were actually there at 6am waiting in line to get a good spot! The ceremony started at 11am. I slept through 2 alarms thats why I ended up not going! I was so tired from yesterday running around the Grove that I just slept in. It felt great to sleep! I worked today so I pretty much just stayed home and got a few more things together for my trip to Florida!

Prince, Blanket & Paris
All three placed Michael's Glove & shoes in the cement, which will be placed in front of the Chinese theatre. It's just the out lines of the glove and shoes. 

Kim Kardashian was featured on the cover of HAUTE MUSE. I tweeted about it today mentioning both Kim Kardashian & HAUTE MUSE magazine and they Re-Tweeted my tweet! The tweet went to 13,000 followers! How cool is that! They also tweeted me back a few minutes later. This magazine is the first international magazine to be founded in the Middle East. You guys have to check it out! There are many stories about Kim's Dubai adventure!

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