Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving & my family

I have to say that I am thankful for so many things in my life! Even things that I have experienced in the past. My family is so important to me, even if I am 2,000 miles away from them, they ALWAYS come first. Unfortunately, I was unable to come home and visit for Thanksgiving because of my commitments at Target. Bailey is eating ALL of the Chocolate covered Strawberries without me! NO FAIR!

I LOVE those Chocolate Strawberries! 

Bailey you totally owe me CHOCOLATE Strawberries when I come home and visit next year! We usually always go to the same place for Thanksgiving and they have such a wide variety of food! 

I'm so thankful for all the traveling I have done! I mean who can say that by 19 years old they have already been to...Miami, Orlando, Boston, New Hampshire, Nashville, Chicago, pretty much every state in New England, London, Paris and Los Angeles! Traveling is something EVERYONE must do! There are so many things in the world people should see and so many different cultures and the way people do things in other parts of the world. 

TRAVELING: is something that definitely describes me! 

The Household that I live in made me Thanksgiving dinner! They know that I don't eat meat so they had many meatless things! How nice of them! They made me dinner!...I even feel loved in California! I LOVE STUFFING! I could eat it everyday of the year! YUM!

Here's a few photos of my family...I love them so much!
HAHA. I love Bailey's BEETLE glasses! 

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